Harry Putt-Putt and the Lost Movie

I am like a Hardcore Harry Potter fan so when I read that there was another movie, I pooped my Cat, Literaly. I saw this nonsuspicious link on the Craigslist so I clicked it and it was all like, free moooveeee 4 ur mum's toilet.
2 Days Later, I got duh Moovie and it wuz hot. I put it in the Refridgerator and played the Film.
Hairy Plunger and the Scrotumless Duck. We see a cinematic zoom into Harry Potter who had dark eyes with red pupils and was bleeding coz' why not? I was scared so I skipped ahead, We start off with seeing a Potato on a Table before being dramatically hit with a hammer.
It was too much to watch as I saw the hammer break the potato into mashes. It was horrifying. I turned around and saw a Lemon, Jumpscared me. I continue into the Film where Harry and Ron are totally Touching Hermione's Big round Buns. They were fresh baked from the oven. Harry walks into the bathroom and starts like... doing business and he went in stuff but when we walked out he saw Mc.Donalds holding Voldemort's blank nose. It was bad, Harry's Bloody Eyes made Voledmort die.
The End